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2023年5月16日下午,北大国发院、南南与合作发展学院、新结构经济学研究院将联合举办【朗润·格政】第162期,特邀亚洲开发银行首席经济学家朴之水(Albert Park)教授,分享该报告主要内容,特别是其中关于中国的研究发现和政策建议。活动邀请到北京大学博雅特聘教授,北大环境与能源经济研究中心主任、国发院经济学教授徐晋涛进行对话点评。

时 间:2023年5月16日13:30-15:00

地 点:北大国发院承泽园420多功能厅+线上直播

主 办:北大国发院、南南合作与发展学院、新结构经济学研究院

语 言:英文

议 程

13:00-13:30 线下听众签到

13:30-13:32 主持人开场


13:32-14:30 主题演讲:全球零碳转型中的亚洲

朴之水(Albert Park):亚洲开发银行首席经济学家

大卫·雷泽尔(David Raitzer):亚洲开发银行经济研究和区域合作局经济学家

14:30-14:40 嘉宾点评


14:40-15:00 互动&问答





The 162nd NSD Policy Talk

Asia in the Global Transition to Net Zero

The effects of climate change are increasingly visible in developing Asia—from unprecedented floods to extreme droughts and devastating storms. The region is one of the world’s most vulnerable to climate change, and it is the poorest people in the region who will bear many of the costs. Climate losses will be concentrated in subregions that contain the highest numbers of poor people and in sectors on which they primarily depend, such as agriculture. There are signs of hope that the region is changing course. Under the Paris Agreement, all economies in the region have committed to decarbonize, and the largest emitters have more recently pledged to reach net zero emissions. Developing Asia faces a climate policy crossroads.

April 2023, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) released a new research report “Asia in the Global Transition to Net Zero”. This report explores the dramatic changes that need to happen in the region to avoid a climate catastrophe, with a focus on meeting the Paris Agreement goals of keeping warming well below 2 degrees Celsius. The report finds that early action and international coordination are critical to ensure a low-cost and equitable net-zero transition. A policy-mix that reforms pricing, regulations, and incentives, and mobilizes private financing, is needed to put developing Asia on a low-carbon path. These policies also need to be complemented by support measures to those negatively affected to ensure a fair and politically sustainable transition.

On the afternoon of May 16, 2023, the National School of Development (NSD), the Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development (ISSCAD), and the Institute of New Structural Economics (NSE) of Peking University will co-host the 162nd NSD Policy Talk, which invites Professor Albert Park, Chief Economist of ADB, to share the main content of the report and especially the China-specific research results.

Time: 13:30-15:00, May 16, 2023

Venue: Hall 420, Chengze Garden, NSD, Peking University

Organizers: National School of Development of Peking University, Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development of Peking University, Institute of New Structural Economics of Peking University



13:00-13:30 Audience sign in

13:30-13:32 Opening by the host

Dr Wang Xun: Research Associate Professor, NSD

13:32-14:30 Speech:Asia in the Global Transition to Net Zero

Professor Albert Park:Chief Economist of the Asian Development Bank (ADB)

David Raitzer:Economist, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, ADB

14:30-14:40 Remark

Professor Xu Jintao: Honorary Dean of the NSD, Dean of the ISSCAD and the NSE

14:40-15:00 Q&A

About the NSD Policy Talk

As a national high-end think tank, the National School of Development of Peking University established the NSD Policy Talk in 2013, inviting experts and scholars from China and abroad to share insights through lectures, seminars, round-tables, and forums, with the aim of exploring public policy choices with a unique perspective, and working together to contribute to China’s reform and development.

About the National School of Development

The National School of Development (NSD) at Peking University is a comprehensive college that offers a multidisciplinary environment for teaching and research in economics, management science, and public policy. Its predecessor, the China Centre for Economic Research (CCER) was established in 1994 by Professor Justin Yifu Lin and five other overseas-trained economists. Following its expansion of teaching and research, CCER was renamed the National School of Development in 2008. The NSD upholds Peking University’s values of inclusiveness and academic freedom; it promotes socially meaningful research in economics, management science, and public policy, and is committed to contributing to China’s economic and social progress. The NSD is China’s leading institution that combines teaching, research and policy advising. It is an integral part of Peking University’s drive to become a world-class university.







